Precision in the details
Harms & Wende offers numerous applications for micro welding:
- Cu-cross-wire-welding
- compaction of flexible wires
- welding with high frequency
- plug contacts
- resistance brazing
- welding of electrical adapters
- welding of aluminum cables
- welding of non-ferrous heavy metal
- cable connection e.g. with Cu/Al
- electronic components
Harms & Wende offers control-related systems for micro-insert technology. As specialists for resistance welding controls we supply solutions which are particularly fitted for joining tasks.
The portfolio includes welding control systems from 50Hz to 10kHz. Those accommodate the unique demands of the adjustment setting. Pretty short reaction and setting times as well as the different sorts of flow control are especially tailored for these requirements. For integration approaches in superior equipment's, we offer engineering capacities for self-acting plants. For the tailor made solution we offer integrated operator interfaces in higher ranking SPS.

Furthermore, we assume your complete operational functions and visualise them in the PLC.
- machine control plc
- position monitoring
- power control
- flow control
- voltage regulation
- integration in SPS
- flexible operator interfaces
- 1000 & 10kHz-systems
- rapid regulation in microseconds
- fast current rise
The Micro-joining technology is a challenging market. The welding of peregrine materials in combination with short clock cycles makes high demands. Security-relevant consumables require a high degree of endurance, persistence and security. Non-ferrous heavy metals make high demands on welding practices. A high extraction necessitates quickly running plants with short cycle times. Manufacturing entire components need systems which automate the welding process and are integrated in the flow process. Security needs to be documented. To prove critical feedings documentation and archiving systems are necessary which plot without interruption.
Find more information to our products of the micro welding device (e.g. Sinius inverter) under products & achievements in the menu bar above.
Cost-effective assembling by efficient systems
Available modules can be combined from task-specific function units.
Whether 50Hz (AC), 1kHz (MF) or 10kHz (HF) – you can profit from the
longtime know-how of our originally welding practice. It is possible to conjunct
modules with the individual composition of your own user interface, as
well as to set default control panels for your welding units.
Proven joining by custom-made monitoring and documentation functions
Comprehensive monitoring functions are available in various stages of expansion.
From parameter to process monitoring Harms & Wende provides a broad band of
quality control. Therewith the quality of the welding task will be assured and documented.

Easy handling through intuitional systems
Various controlled quantities are available for the welding process. By facile user
interfaces the devices are easy to parameterise.