The friction welding process
In addition to resistance welding Harms & Wende is also one of the leaders in the area of friction welding. This newly interpreted old welding technology has developed rapidly in the last few years and offers a safe process with diverse uses. Friction welding now offers new perspectives in the world of welding.
Complementary to our friction welding head, which received the prize for innovation and it's components, Harms & Wende offers an exceptional process monitoring system for friction welding facilities. More information about products of the friction welding branch are placed at the sector products + achievements.
Also complete friction welding facilities with our friction welding components are being and have been successfully built and installed
Modular friction welding. From mobile welding heads to stationary facilities
Monitoring systems for all friction welding facilities
Friction spot welding
Friction Spot Welding
In a European project a new hand held used machine for frictions spot welding is developed. Harms & Wende as a partner designed and made the first prototype. For further information please refer to Spotstir Project.
Friction welding - your benefits
The modular resistance welding offers solutions whereas other processes reach their limits. Special strengths of the Harms & Wende technologies lies in a high process reliability and flexibility by the choice of the materials. The following properties of this kind of welding play a further role:
a short welding time and a short time of cycle
an excellent welding quality
no spillings, smoke or radiation
a good reproducibility
an easy preparation of the devices
no filler materials
protective gas
a low metal loss
The resistance welding process is adequate for wave-plate connections and wave-wave connections. It is appropriate to use for a multiplicity of materials like steel, aluminum, ceramics, brass, copper etc. Resistance welding can be used with nearly no conductance of the materials and independently of surface quality e.g. zinc, lacquer or enamel.